
The Essential Freshwater Package

What You Need to Know

The Essential Freshwater Package came into effect on 3 September 2020.  

There are two key parts to the Essential Freshwater Package for ALIL shareholders.

  1. The National Policy Statement for Freshwater (NPS-F)  sets the framework for the development of future regional plans and is considered when decisions are made on resource consents.
  2. The National Environmental Standard for Freshwater (NES-F) is a ‘hold the line’ set of standards (rules) that Regional Councils will need to administer until such time as its regional plans reflect the content of the NPS.

ALIL are currently working with ECan around the interpretation and effects of the NES.  ALIL hopes to tackle the NES on behalf of shareholders, but until our discharge consent is granted, we cannot be certain if we will be able to address all the aspects of the NES.

At this point in time we are not in a position to allow for changes on farm which result in further intensification.

From July 2021, shareholders with pastoral areas should be planning to comply with a cap of 190kg/ha of synthetic nitrogen.

We are in the final stages of securing our replacement scheme land use and discharge consent. Once granted, we hope this consent will enable the NES restrictions to be managed with greater flexibility and certainty for all our shareholders.

We will provide further updates to shareholders as our consent progresses, as further information comes to hand, and at the October AGM.  In the meantime N loss management resources from the Facing our Future Tradeshow which we ran in early July can be found on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's

  • Will the winter grazing standards in the NES apply to ALIL shareholders planting winter grazing crops on 2020 for grazing in 2021?

    If you carried out intensive winter grazing in line with your agreed ALIL FEP for 2020 and you’re not planning on making any changes to the scale, scope or intensity of your wintering, then you can continue to operate in line with those practices for the 2021 winter. You will need to contact a member of the Irrigo Team if any changes are proposed.


  • What is the National Policy Statement for Freshwater (NPS-F)?

    The National Policy Statement for Freshwater sets the framework for the development of future regional plans and is considered when decisions are made on resource consents.

  • What is the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NES-F)?

    The National Environmental Standard for Freshwater is a ‘hold the line’ set of standards (rules) that Regional councils will need to administer until such time as its regional plans reflect the content of the NPS.

  • Is the Freshwater Farm Plan required under the NES-F the same as my current FEP?

    ALIL is well placed in terms of Freshwater Farm Plans, we hope that our existing Farm Environment Plan (FEP) framework will cover much of what will be required for a Freshwater Farm Plan. The Government is currently working on new regulations that will set out content and auditing requirements relating to Freshwater Farm Plans and will provide further advice on the content when it becomes available.



Click here to email your question about the Essential Freshwater Package and we will answer it here..

More Information

Keep up-to-date with ECAN’s advice: ECAN – Action for Healthy Waterways.